
Im Notfall

Für Notfälle sind wir jederzeit persönlich in der Klinik für Sie erreichbar!

24h / 365 Tage

Unsere telefonischen Sprechzeiten:

Montag – Freitag 08:00 – 18:00 Uhr


Kleintierklinik in LB-Oßweil
Karl-Heinrich-Käferle-Str. 2
D-71640 Ludwigsburg

07141 - 299 90 30
(Mo. - Fr. 09 – 18.00 Uhr)

Notdienst LIVE ⚪️⚪️🔴



Find out now about the possibilities to insure your pet in the best possible way. There is animal health insurance for dogs, cats and rabbits.

Why animal health insurance makes sense

Animal health insurance is generally highly recommended and allows you to receive optimal medical care without financial worries.

Suddenly your pet is onvolved in an accident or unexpected acute complaints and health impairments occur - the treatment costs are often difficult to estimate in advance and can quickly add up to high amounts of money. You often need to decide quickly whether a particular procedure should be performed or not. Pet health insurance takes the worry out of affordability.

As our beloved four-legged friends age, they increasingly suffer from chronic diseases. These often develop slowly, are often only discovered in an advanced stage and usually accompany the animals until the end of their lives. Their permanent treatment massively increases the monthly maintenance costs. If you insure your pet, you can absorb this risk in a substancial way.

Likewise: Prevention is better than Cure. Continuous treatment against parasites, regular dental prophylaxis as well as recurring vaccinations protect our pets from numerous diseases and thus from discomfort and pain. Good pet insurance policies for cats, dogs and rabbits also cover certain preventive services - here, as everywhere, pay attention to the conditions in the fine print.

You can find more information here!

Information about the Animal Health Insurance Comparison

Here you will find information of a neutral animal health insurance comparison.

The copyright of Stiftung Warentest
The adoption and use of our content for other than private purposes is expressly subject to approval according to our copyright. This does not mean that whole passages, texts or tables may be taken over.

Imprint Stiftung Warentest

Stiftung Warentest permits the transfer of texts into data files that are intended exclusively for the private purposes of a user. The transfer and use for other purposes is expressly subject to approval. The contact for this is the press office:, phone (030) 26 31 23 45.

More Information

More about Animal Health Insurance
AniCura Germany Holding GmbH


Animal Health Insurance Comparison
Stiftung Warentest

About us

With a highly specialized team of doctors and a total of around 100 staff, we are at your disposal 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

The Kleintierklinik in Ludwigsburg-Oßweil (veterinary clinic) has been the veterinary competence center in the greater Ludwigsburg and Stuttgart area since 1992.


AniCura Ludwigsburg Oßweil GmbH
Karl-Heinrich-Käferle-Str. 2
D-71640 Ludwigsburg

Phone 07141 - 299 90 30
(Mon - Fri 9 am - 6 pm)

Social Media

You can also get a glimpse of our clinic through social media!

© 2025 AniCura Ludwigsburg Oßweil GmbH
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